Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 9, 2009

MALAYSIA: Budget puts seniors in a quandary, says a disillusioned senior

. PENANG, Malaysia / The Star / Opinion / November 9, 2009 By Disillusioned Senior Citizen, Penang WHILE I praise our Prime Minister for his brave attempt to unite each and everyone of us under the 1Malaysia initiative, I am sad to say the 2010 Budget was not very friendly to senior citizens. It is not a budget for the common man since not many senior citizens or even the ordinary man in the street earn RM100,000 a year to qualify for the 1% income tax benefit. The Real Property Gains Tax has certainly put us in a quandary. We worked hard and saved hard to buy houses in our working days so that we could put a roof over our heads and now we will be “punished” for it. Seniors enjoy the Malaysian Airlines' staff - hosted Appreciation Day Source: For those of us whose children have flown the nest, we want to sell the houses to move into small apartments and use the excess money to maintain ourselves in relative comfort for our remaining years. But this will be stolen from us with the RPGT. Is this a caring Government and is this the Government’s way of rewarding people who have helped to build this country? The previous property gains tax was much better thought out with its six year limit. The 2010 Budget must have been prepared by young officers without thinking of the hardship it will bring to the older folks. Much has been said about credit cards. From the senior citizen’s point of view, I would just like to mention that this policy has taken away the security that we have against the snatch thieves and robbers. Credit card transactions are surely safer. [rc] Copyright © 1995-2009 Star Publications (M) Bhd