Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 9, 2009

BRUNEI: Bank employees give old folks home a facelift

. BRUNEI DARUSSALAM / The Brunei Times / November 9, 2009 By Rory Syed Malai Hassan, Belait JOINING thousands of others across the globe, Citibank Brunei yesterday did their bit to participate in the Citibank Global Community Day by lending a hand to the residents of the Old Folks Home in Seria, Belait. The employees of Citibank yesterday spent the entire day at the Seria Old Folks Home to help complete renovation works, which started two weeks ago under the global theme. Over $9,000 were spent for the repair and refurbishment of the Home. Warmly appreciated: Belait District Officer Hj Jamain Momin handing out hampers to the residents of the Seria Old Folks Home during the Citibank Global Community Day in Seria yesterday. Picture: BT/Syed Rory Citigroup Country Officer Terrence Cuddyre said the project for the global theme was chosen specifically by the employees of Citibank as "this charity organisation would be the one where they would make the biggest difference to its residents". "Care for the elderly is a challenge in most communities and it is often left to the family to assume this responsibility. But when that assistance is not available, individuals can often fall through the crack," said Cuddyre. "This is why we chose this as our project and this is how we intend to make a difference," he added. The country officer also emphasised the importance of such facilities in the community which allows the elderly to age with dignity. Being the only facility in the country, the obvious choice was this, he said while pointing out that aside from the repair expenses, Citibank has also donated $5,000 for the needs of the residents. . Attending the event yesterday was Belait District Officer Hj Jamain Momin, who expressed his appreciation on behalf of the Belait district towards the care and labour of love shown by Citibank and its employees who came all the way from Bandar Seri Begawan to take part in the campaign. He said that Belait welcomes all forms of community and welfare-related activity, especially when it expresses the kindness and consideration of others. The Old Folks Home in Seria has been around since 1957 and used to house more than 60 residents, but the numbers have dwindled to just 10 over the years, said the district officer. He said that it was a pleasure to see people taking the time from their busy schedule to take care of the elderly. [rc] Copyright © 2006-2009 Brunei Times Sdn Bhd.