SYDNEY, NSW / The University of Sydney / Ageing, Work and Health Blog / August 5, 2009
Kate Masters, Faculty Liaison Librarian, Health Sciences Library, The University of Sydney has announced that the following books are brand new acquisitions in the Library:
Residential design for aging in place
Drue Lawlor, Michael A. Thomas.
Learning to be old : gender, culture, and aging
Margaret Cruikshank.
Healthy longevity in China : demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological dimensions
Edited by Zeng Yi ... [et al.]
Aging and cognition: Research methodologies and empirical advances
Edited by Hayden B. Bosworth and Christopher Hertzog.
Aging and the Indian diaspora : Cosmopolitan families in India and abroad
Sarah Lamb.
The Aging of America: Implications for the business of health care
Michael Carbine, managing editor ; Erin Trompeter, editor.
Gerontology for the health care professional
Edited by Regula H. Robnett, Walter C. Chop.
With Shaking Hands: Aging with Parkinson's disease in America's heartland
Samantha Solimeo.
Ageing, Work and Health