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June 25, 2009

UK: Up to 15,000 older cancer patients die prematurely each year, says study

. LONDON, England / The Guardian / Science / Cancer / June 25, 2009 Report claims treatments for over-75s needs to catch up with those available in Europe and US By Sarah Boseley, health editor Up to 15,000 older cancer patients die prematurely of the disease in the UK each year, researchers said today. The National Cancer Intelligence Network said these deaths could be prevented if the UK was as good at treating cancer in the over-75s as the best in Europe and America. Over the past 10 years, the numbers dying of cancer under the age of 75 have dropped significantly, but the UK is still lagging behind on those over 75, according to the Manchester-based North-west Cancer Intelligence Service, which carried out the study, presented at a conference today. It says the gap between the UK and the top services in Europe and the US is widening. "It's worrying that so many older people die from cancer in the UK compared with other countries," said the lead researcher, Dr Tony Moran. "But it's not clear why this is. Research is urgently needed to understand the reasons for the extra deaths so that steps can be taken to prevent them. "Cancer is largely a disease of older people, with about half of all cancers diagnosed in those aged 70 or older. Most 75 year-olds could be expected to live for at least another 10 years, and we would expect them to benefit from improvements in treatment." The likely reasons for the age disparity, said Chris Carrigan, the head of NCIN, included going to the doctor late, delayed diagnosis and treatment. "It's really important that people are aware of cancer symptoms and feel able to go to the doctor if they notice anything that feels wrong for them," he said. "We believe many deaths could be avoided each year in the UK if cancers were diagnosed sooner." [rc] © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009