Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

December 20, 2007

JAPAN: Family Abuse Kills 32 Old People, Says Official Report

Elderly abuse much more than disclosed: media TOKYO (Reuters), December 20, 2007: More than 30 old people in Japan died due to abuse by family members in the year to March, the government said in a report. Half the 32 victims were murdered, six died due to violence and 10 because of neglect, all by family members who were taking care of them, the welfare ministry said. Sons were to blame for 10 of the deaths, said the report released on Wednesday. Over half the victims were women, with seven women being killed by their husbands, it said. The report highlights the challenge Japan faces as it tries to care for a rapidly ageing population with a shortage of nursing care workers and rising medical costs. Nearly 13,000 cases of abuse by family members were confirmed, along with 54 cases at nursing homes, figures which experts called the tip of the iceberg. "Abuse takes place in a closed room. In order for the government to catch such cases, the community and officials need to have a better awareness of abuse," said Emiko Kishi, an associate professor at the Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing. Earlier this month, a survey by a research centre in northern Japan found nearly 500 cases of abuse at nursing homes, 10 times the number in the government report By Yoko Kubota Editing by Michael Watson © Reuters 2007