Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

December 20, 2007

AUSTRALIA: Aged Care Bed Shortages To Continue

SYDNEY (The Australian), December 20, 2007: Aged care bed shortages still exist in some parts of the country despite the allocation of 6,525 new places today, the government says. Minister for Ageing Justine Elliot today announced $233.3 million would be spent on the provision of the new beds, as part of an annual assessment process established by the Howard government. Capital grants of $40.5 million will also be provided to aged care providers to build or improve residential aged care services, Mrs Elliot said. Despite today's announcement the minister said not enough providers are applying to set up aged care services in some of the country's under-supplied areas. "While 6,525 new places is good news, more beds are needed," Mrs Elliot said. The Labor government will make available $300 million in zero interest loans to providers willing to establish aged-care services in these areas, Mrs Elliot said. "I will be making further announcements about this soon," she said. The government will also reform the existing allocation arrangements to ensure new facilities become operational as quickly as possible, the minister added. Copyright 2007 News Limited.