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September 2, 2011

UK: Vanessa Redgrave community supports homeless

LISBON, Portugal / Expresso / Life & Style / September 1, 2011

Vanessa Redgrave community supports homeless

Actress Vanessa Redgrave, 74, joined a nomadic community, for ten years in the same place, hoping to prevent their eviction

By Carolina Mayer - Expresso

In the case of actress Vanessa Redgrave, age is no impediment to go out to fight for human rights abroad, she believes. An example was yesterday, to provide support in the community's largest gypsy camp - not official - in the United Kingdom.

The 86 families of Irish origin, were evicted from Dale Farm, in north London, home for about ten years.

Winner of an Oscar and decorated by the British Empire, British actress was not indifferent to the possibility of displacement of this nomadic community.

Goodwill ambassador of the United Nations since 1995, Redgrave said that the decision to evict the residents of Dale Farm, violates the human rights conventions. In that sense it is ready to struggle to find a solution to the hundreds of people who are housed there.

During a long career in movies - she has more than 80 films in her profile - Redgrave's is also highlighted by public policy positions. She criticized the intervention in Iraq, supported the Palestinian cause and called for nuclear disarmament.

However, this time, the cause seem more personal: Her brother Corin Redgrave, victim of a heart attack, is unable to continue to work to develop this community. Vanessa seems determined to do it.

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