DUBLIN, Ireland / Research And Markets / June 11, 2011
By Laura Wood
Handbook of the Biology of Aging - 7th Edition
Providing a comprehensive synthesis and review of the latest research findings in the biology of aging, it is intended as a summary for researchers, and is also suitable as a high level textbook for graduate and upper level undergraduate courses.
The 7th edition is organized into two main sections, first covering the basic aging processes and then the medical physiology of aging. This puts less emphasis on research germane only to specific species and more emphasis on the mechanisms that affect aging across species, and what this means medically for the aging of humans.
This volume allows basic researchers to keep abreast of basic research outside their subdiscipline as well as recent clinical findings, while allowing medical, behavioral, and social gerontologists to understand what basic scientists and clinicians are discovering.
Coverage of basic aging processes includes the effects of dietary restriction, somatotropic axis, free radicals, apoptosis, adipose tissue, stem cells, leukocyte telomere dynamics, genetics, sirtuins, inflammation, and protein homeostasis on aging.
Coverage of the medical physiology of aging includes several chapters on aging effects on the human brain including changes in brain myelination, cerebral microvasculature, and cerebral vascular dysfunction.
Additional chapters include research on aging pulmonary function, insulin secretion, thermoreception and thermoregulation, calorie restriction, frailty & mortality, and sex differences in longevity and aging. This more clinically-oriented section advances our understanding of what to expect, how to prevent, and how to treat common medical effects of aging.
Handbook of the Biology of Aging, 7th Edition
Edited By Edward J. Masoro & Steven N. Austad
520 pages. Copyright 2011
Hard Copy : EUR 68
Part of the Handbooks of Aging series, including Handbook of the Psychology of Aging and Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences, also in their 7th editions.
* Contains basic aging processes as determined by animal research as well as medical physiology of aging as known in humans
* Covers hot areas of research, like stem cells, integrated with longstanding areas of interest in aging like telomeres, mitochondrial function, etc.
* Edited by one of the fathers of gerontology (Masoro) and contributors represent top scholars in gerontology. Elsevier
Section 1: Basic Aging Processes
1. Potential Pathways Involved in Slowed Aging due to Food Restriction, Anne Brunet (Stanford University)
2. Aging and Apoptosis, Stephen E. Always (West Virginia University School of Medicine)
3. The Role of Stem Cells in Aging, Thomas Rando (Stanford University)
4. The Role of Telomere Biology in Aging, Abraham Aviv (UMDNJ)
5. The Oxidative Stress Theory of Aging: Where do we stand?, Holly VanRemmen (UT Health Sc Center)
6. Tor Signaling Pathway and Aging, Richard A. Miller (University of Michigan)
7. Insulin/IGF Signaling and Aging, Holly Brown-Borg (U. of North Dakota)
8. Mitochondrial Function and Aging, Martin Brand (Buck Institute for Age Research)
9. Comparative Genetic Modulation of Aging, Matt Kaeberlein (U. of Washington)
10. Sirtuins in Mammalian Health and Longevity, David Sinclair (Harvard)
11. Inflammation and Aging, Caleb E. Finch (U. of Southern California)
12. Protein Homeostasis and Aging, Ana Maria Cuervo (Albert Einstein U.)
Section 2: Medical Physiology of Aging
13. Adipose Tissue Physiology and Aging, Jim Kirkland (Mayo Clinic)
14. Sex Differences in Aging, Steven Austad (UT Health Science Center)
15. Terminal Weight Loss, Frailty, and Longevity, Ed Masoro (UT Health Science Center)
16. Age-Related Alterations in Myelin and CNS Functioning, George Bartzokis (UCLA)
17. Age-related Changes in Microvasculature and Brain Function, Lewis Lipsitz (Harvard Medical School)
18. Aging and Insulin Secretion, Jeffrey Halter (U. Michigan)
19. Aging Alterations in Cardiac Function, Dorothy Vatner (UMDNJ)
20. Aging and Vascular Function, Frank Faraci (U. of Iowa)
21. Aging and Pulmonary Function, Nigel Taylor (Woolongong University)
22. Food Restriction and Aging in Primates Including Humans, Luigi Fontana et al (Washington U.)
23. Aging and Changes in Thermoregulations, Eus Van Someren (Netherlands Inst. On Neuroscience)
Source: ResearchAndMarkets.com