TEHRAN, Iran / Tehran Times / Health / June 11, 2011
By Seyedaghanoor Sadeghi, M.D. & Homeopath
Homeopathic remedies usually affect the people of younger age, more than the elderly, because of their lower vitality and physical activities. However a lady aged 85 with depression was helped effectively.
She was visited by my wife and me at our private clinic in Tehran, on June 3, 2011. She had lost her husband 35 years ago and thus had experienced a long duration grief and depression.
So the homeopaths took her case carefully, examined and measured her blood pressure and prescribed her 2 drops of Ignatia amara 30c, a very good remedy for those who have suffered from long duration grief and sadness. She is going to be revisited to follow her case up and accomplish her complete healing.
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