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May 3, 2011

MEXICO: Love, sex, and full life in old age - It's all a question of attitude

MEXICO CITY, Mexico / Plaza y Valdes / May 3, 2011

Rafael Alvarez Cordero was awarded doctorate in medical sciences by the National University of Mexico, in Mexico City, according to Plaza y Valdés.

He conducted organ transplantation between 1963 and 1967, created an Intensive Care Unit in 1968 and practiced general surgery and gastroenterology. He has devoted more than 30 years to  study and treatment of obesity. Pioneer of bariatric surgery in Mexico, Cordero has tried various surgical weight control techniques.

Dr. Álvarez Cordero, physician and researcher, lecturer and writer, has published 154 articles and scientific papers in four languages, has given over 550 lectures worldwide and has published 13 books, among which are fundamental principles surgery; Perestroika of medicine Obesity surgery; Excellence surgery Milagros surgery; Obesity and Self-esteem To live or last? And I like you fat!, Light Discrimination, and is columnist for several newspapers.

© Plaza y Valdés

BARCELONA, Spain / La Vanguardia / Lifestyle / May 3, 2011

Life & Art

Rafael Alvarez Cordero. Photo: NotieSe

Interview with Dr. Rafael Alvarez Cordero

Someone who is not healthy cannot make love. Even if you do, you are physically unresponsive. So it is essential that men and women over 50 have a positive attitude to life, to stay healthy, enjoy the day with enthusiasm, not bury their sexuality just because they have reached old age, says Rafael Alvarez Cordero, author of "Live fully: Guide to health, Wellness and Longevity. "

"If an old man is healthy, watches his body, strengthens muscles, and engages in activities of his interest, there is no impediment to having healthy sexual relationships. In addition, now there are many medical options that can be used."

It is not going through life in search of teenagers, it is not waiting for a sexual performance like that of a man or woman of 30 years. Regardless of advanced age, if one wishes, any human being can get into an erotic and emotional relationship with another.

Rafael Alvarez Cordero, over 70, is co-founder of the Mexican Council of Geriatrics and Gerontology. He is convinced that anyone except an old, can understand how it feels to be old. He has 16 published books, written for the first time on senescence.

Elderly, seniors, the golden age, are some "politically correct" ways to call people who have lived more than 50 years. Words used so as not to hurt their feelings.

"There is no reason to be afraid of the word old. Said with respect it implies positive things, because the chance of having lived many years means more experience and wisdom."

To live fully, with health, wellness and longevity, the author explains, requires a "successful aging",  for which they need, in addition to attitude, other elements, such as "a society friendly towards the old ".

Rafael Alvarez Cordero says that Mexican society does not meet that requirement. It is very common to consider men and women over 50 years as unproductive and disabled. "Discrimination of the old within the family is great and so is society."

The secret is to understand that the elderly are like children. You have to have patience with them, care for them inside and out. Understand that they are less intelligent or creative, and they are retired. Do not listen well, or have some disability. But they are valuable human beings, and that must be taken into account.

The author of "Live fully: Guide to Health, Wellness and Longevity" talks about the recurrent fears in man to reach this stage of life, and fear of invalidity and decrepitude, and the biggest of it all "the need help with eating, dressing, or the most horrible, for personal hygiene."

This underscores the importance of activity and physical ablility to do many things independently, without forgetting the fundamental role of family support, to address this and other fears, like fear of accidents, poverty, loneliness and death.

The writer recognizes the need for legislation on death with dignity, so that everyone, young and old, can have the right to choose how they want to die or what to do before an accident or illness results in a vegetative state or undermine the quality of life, as one chooses a college career, life partner or city of residence.

The word "Senate" comes from the word senectus, formed in ancient Greece and ancient Rome just for old men, a condition not currently followed. Senators would be better if more Mexicans adhered to the etymology of the word, that is, if they were all men and women Señecta. 

Longevity is not always synonymous with wisdom. "There are old fools and ignorant old. Let us not forget that the Senate should be of young people. The point here is that politics has become a matter of power struggle. Politics does not respect its goal of improving the quality of life of a country. "

Dedicated to old men and women but also young people living with dad, grandmother or aunt in the elderly, "Living fully" is a book that invites reflection, not to see the accumulation of years as a fatality or embarrassment, but as a stage in human life, its characteristics and peculiarities.

The author warns that the way to deal with longevity is a personal decision:  To do nothing and die, and to be old to enjoy every day as if it were your last.

The book is in its first edition by Editorial Planeta and Diana. Legible for the aged, whether or not you use glasses. A very friendly language. These are some of the points Rafael Alvarez refers of his work.

Free translation from Spanish original by Seniors World Chronicle