BUEA, Cameroon/ Cameroon Association on Ageing / February 5, 2011
The Cameroon Association on Ageing (CAA) held a one-day seminar on sanitation and hygiene - the elderly and their environment. The seminar, organized to create awareness on some of the key issues in promoting a healthy and active life in small communities, was attended by elderly people from different rural communities around the region, students of geriatric nursing and social workers. This was done through reports and testimonies citing examples from different countries as well as the active participation of NGOs working for the elderly in Cameroon.
The Friends of International Federation on Ageing (FOIFA), of Akita City in Japan has reported that at the seminar Mr. Raymond Kale, President CAA, explained to participants the activities of his organization and its partners like Friends of IFA Japan (FOIFA), Forestry, Agriculture, Animal and Fishery Network (FAAFNET) and Care for the Elderly Widows and Orphans (CEWO). He also presented a summary report on his visit to Akita, highlighting on the generosity of FOIFA, its members, the people of Akita City as well as the health and care system for the elderly in Japan.
"We are thankful to Members of FOIFA Japan and Doctor Hisashi Hozumi in particular for their untiring support most especially financially to help us carry out our projects," Mr. Raymond Kale wrote to FOIFA.
CAA received money and clothing collected from FOIFA members and from the people and shops in Akita City. These donations have helped CAA activities related to the elderly and ageing. These include elder abuse and violence, access to human rights principles, equality and inclusion.
Cash donations were made to the coordinator of Care for the Elderly Widows and Orphans (CEWO). Photo courtesy: International Federation on Ageing.
Two students of geriatric nursing at the St. Francis Medical School, Buea, spoke about about a sensitization program carried out as a follow-up solution after an outbreak of cholera in the region. They had visited homes of elderly to advise them on hygiene and sanitation to avoid contracting diseases.
CAA's President Mr. Kale gave gifts of money and clothing to representatives of elderly groups or associations, students of geriatric nursing as well as to the representative of CEWO. Thanks were extended to FOIFA, its members and the people of Akita City.
Copyright© 2011 Friends of IFA Japan