Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

September 3, 2010

INDIA: Urinary system disorders can be life threatening, opines expert

MOHALI, Punjab / The Indian Express / Health & Lifestyle / September 3, 2010

Looking at the marked rise of urological problems in senior citizens, Fortis Hospital on Thursday held a health session for members of the Senior Citizens Association, Mohali.

Dr A S Bawa, Director, Urology, shared his expertise regarding common urological problems during old age. Over 150 senior citizens attended the health session.

Speaking about disorders of the urinary system, Dr Bawa said disorders of the urinary system range in severity from easy-to-treat to life threatening. “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition in men that affects the prostate gland, which is part of the male reproductive system.

Fifty per cent of all men have an enlarged prostate by 60, whereas 80 per cent of men have an enlarged prostate by 80. The enlarged prostrate gradually increases in size, squeezes the urethra and results in problems such as difficulty in urination, incomplete bladder emptying and possible infection and kidney damage.”

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