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February 11, 2010

USA: Health Checkup - How to Live 100 Years

. NEW YORK, NY / TIME Magazine Specials February 11, 2010 A century of life was once a rare thing, but that is changing. Science is slowly unraveling the secrets of the centenarians Full List COVER STORY 1. How to Live 100 Years The Science of Living Longer A century of life was once a rare thing, but that is changing. Science is slowly unraveling the secrets of the centenarians Robert Maxwell for TIME CASE STUDIES 1. Eat Less, Live Longer? James Wojcik for TIME 2. Be Careful What You Wish For Getty PRESCRIPTION 1. Living Long and Living Well Dr. Mehmet Oz LAB REPORT 1. Your Kids Could Reach 100 By James Day 2. The Importance of Being Female 3. Longevity Drugs May Be Coming 4. Slowing Aging ... With Semen 5. How Do You Spell Longevity? D-N-A 6. Feed Your Cells and Keep Them Young 7. Data 8. Ups and Downs TO OUR READERS By Richard Stengel, MANAGING EDITOR 1. Health Checkup Marco Grob for TIME [rc] © 2010 Time Inc.