The Sydney Morning Herald / National Times / February 3, 2010
By Ross Gittins, Sydney Morning Herald economics editor
Ageing population is no problem
Ross Gittins says our aging population isn't as big an issue as politicians warn
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There's something quite incongruous about the way our politicians respond to the ageing of the population, a huge gap between what they say and what they do. They keep putting out reports intended to exaggerate the effect of ageing on the budget and the economy, but they keep making changes that advantage the aged at the expense of the working generation.
If you ignore what the politicians say, and read what this week's intergenerational report actually says, you find that, unlike most developed countries, Australia doesn't have much of a problem with ageing.
The really serious intergenerational problem we have is the one we no longer want to talk about and some people would like to believe has gone away following the failure of the Copenhagen conference: global warming.
Illustration: Kerrie Leishman
The report projects that by 2050 the amount by which federal government spending will have grown in excess of government revenue - the ''fiscal gap'' - will reach 2.75 per cent of gross domestic product, equivalent to about $35 billion a year in today's dollars.
Kevin Rudd wants us to believe the emergence of this gap is explained by the ageing - all the extra money the feds will be spending on the pensions, aged care and healthcare provided to the elderly. According to the report's figuring, however, it's almost fully explained by projected increases in healthcare spending that have nothing to do with ageing.
Many people have it in their heads that, with the retirement of the baby boomers, the growth in government spending on the age pension will be so huge that the government may end up having to cut the elderly adrift.
It ain't gonna happen - first, because it would be political suicide and, if you need another reason, because the projected growth in spending will be quite manageable. Spending on age and service pensions is expected to grow over the next 40 years by 1.2 percentage points to 3.9 per cent of national income (GDP).
That's a fair bit, but its cost will be offset by much slower growth in spending on the family tax benefit and childcare benefits, as well as on unemployment benefits. Overall, government spending on all social welfare payments is projected to account for no higher proportion of national income in 2050 than it will in this year's budget.
Next is government spending on aged care. It's projected to grow over the 40 years by 1 percentage point to 1.8 per cent of national income. That's a fair bit - $13 billion a year in today's money - but the main thing it tells us is that one day the pollies will have to summon the courage to require more of the cost to be borne by people in care (and those hoping to inherit).
Finally we get to healthcare. It's expected to account for more than two-thirds of the projected increase in federal government spending to 2050. Over the next 40 years, federal spending on healthcare is projected to grow by a massive 3.1 percentage points to 7.1 per cent of national income. That's an increase of almost $40 billion a year in today's money.
This is the third intergenerational report since 2002 and each time the pollies give the impression that most of the expected increase in healthcare spending will arise from higher spending on the aged.
It's not true.
This time, the report admits that 60 per cent of the projected increase is ''non-demographic''. That is, it will arise from the public's demand for more healthcare - more visits to the doctor, more tests and more pharmaceuticals per patient - and for access to all the expensive advances in medical science that will come along.
But even the remaining 40 per cent of the increase can't be attributed to ageing. It includes allowance for the expected growth in the population from 22 million to 36 million. Obviously, 14 million extra people means (greatly) increased spending on healthcare, but this has nothing to do with older people's increased need for healthcare purely because they've got older.
So our government's budgetary problems arising from ageing are modest, whereas the problems of the United States and various European governments are considerable. Why have we got off so lightly? Mainly because our age pension is small and at a flat rate, whereas theirs tend to be a percentage of the retiree's former income. And over the years, their short-sighted politicians have made pension payments more generous without imposing a commensurate increase in compulsory contributions.
Whatever they say, our politicians obviously know there isn't much of a problem with ageing because, although they've done a few things intended to reduce the problem, they're always doing things that add to it.
John Howard, for instance, was always slinging handouts to the self-proclaimed ''self-funded retirees'' - people who, by definition, weren't needy enough to be eligible for the age pension. Before the 2001 election he gave these ''seniors'' access to the same pharmaceutical benefits as pensioners. Peter Costello popped up the following year with the first intergenerational report, wringing his hands because, for some strange reason, the cost of the pharmaceutical benefits scheme was blowing out.
Then Costello came along with his sweeping superannuation ''reforms'', which made all super payouts tax free, as well as opening the way for high-income earners (including yours truly) to rort the system via ''salary sacrifice''. Many economists said these concessions were fiscally unsustainable and business-types thought they were too good to last. Both groups were right.
Now, Wayne Swan, the man who cut back salary sacrifice and is phasing the age pension age up to 67, would like us to think he's on the side of the budgetary angels. No dice. He could have used those changes to help cut back the ''fiscal gap'' he now professes such concern about, but instead he used them, and other spending savings, to cover the cost of an excessively generous, vote-buying increase in the age pension.
So forget ageing (and all the opposition's alarmism about deficits and debt). It looks like being our refusal to get on with combating climate change that's the worst legacy we'll leave for future generations.[