Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

January 5, 2010

USA: American Geriatrics Society Awarded $2.85 Million Grant

. NEW YORK, NY / American Geriatrics Society / January 5, 2010 The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) has been awarded a $2.85 million John A. Hartford Foundation grant to further improve the care physicians in surgical and other medical related specialties provide older patients, says a press note from AGS. With the population of older adults in the US projected to double over the next two decades, improving specialty care to the aging is imperative. The grant will enable the AGS to launch Phase V of its highly successful Geriatrics-for-Specialists Initiative (GSI). The Hartford Foundation has funded the initiative since its inception in 1994. Through the GSI, the AGS works with medical specialty organizations to increase geriatrics expertise in ten surgical and related specialties. The Initiative supports education and training, research, and leadership development in anesthesiology, emergency medicine, general surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, physical medicine & rehabilitation, thoracic surgery and urology. The GSI has already made considerable advances in improving the care of older adults by expanding the geriatrics knowledge and skills of surgical and related medical specialists. These efforts are supported by collaborations between geriatricians and specialty educators and researchers at the local, regional, and national levels. "The GSI has been amazingly fruitful in disseminating relevant information regarding the care of older patients," says Jeffrey Silverstein, MD, Chair of the Executive Committee to the Council of the AGS Section for Enhancing Geriatric Understanding and Education among Surgical and Medical Specialists (SEGUE), which oversees the initiative. "Working with our partner organizations, we expect the Phase V initiative to continue this outstanding progress." The GSI will continue to develop leaders in the ten targeted specialties; will collaborate with national stakeholder organizations to develop, adopt, and implement standardized core geriatrics competencies for specialty physicians in the targeted specialties; and will support national specialty organizations' efforts to improve care for older adults in their fields. Founded in 1942, the American Geriatrics Society is a nationwide, not-for-profit association of geriatrics health care professionals dedicated to improving the health, independence, and quality of life of all older people. [rc] ©2009 The American Geriatrics Society