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November 3, 2009

UK: Healthy people 'should not take aspirin to prevent heart attack'

. LONDON, England / / Lifestyle / Health News / November 3, 2009 Healthy people should not take aspirin to prevent a heart attack because routinely taking the drug does them more harm than good, experts have warned. By Kate Devlin, Medical Correspondent Aspirin has been hailed as a 'wonder' drug which can treat conditions like Alzheimer's and diabetes and could potentially even prevent some forms of cancer Millions of people, including a significant number of “worried well”, are believed to take the drug daily to protect their heart. Several studies have concluded that aspirin can help to ward off a second heart attack or stroke in patients who have already had one. However, after carring out a review of studies, Dr Ike Iheanacho, the editor of a leading medical journal, has found that the beneficial effects of aspirin are small in healthy people and are heavily outweighed by the risk of potentially deadly stomach bleeding. Earlier this year a large-scale study by British scientists showed aspirin did not significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack in healthy people. But the drug did almost double their chances of being admitted to hospital with internal bleeding. The latest research calls on doctors to review giving aspirin to diabetics. Suffering from diabetes is known to increase the risk of a heart attack, but the evidence shows that the side-effects of aspirin outweigh its benefits even among diabetics, the review, published in the journal Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, states. However, patients who have already had a heart attack should continue to take aspirin if they have been prescribed the medication by their doctor, it stresses. Experts warned that many healthy people are taking aspirin every day as a precaution. “We don’t have any precise figures but it is very common for people to start themselves on aspirin, taking the drug daily in the belief that it is a way to protect against heart attack or stroke,” said Dr Iheanacho, the editor of the journal. While some people would continue to take the drug no matter what the risks, most were unaware of its potentially dangerous side-effects, he added. “When you talk about stomach bleeding it can sound trivial but it is a killer if it is severe enough and as deadly as having a heart attack or stroke. “The risks should not be dismissed.” “In people who have never had a heart attack or stroke, the evidence does not support them being on this drug." Doctors should review their aspirin use with all patients they think are taking the drug, including diabetics and otherwise healthy people buying it over the counter, the review advises. The drug is currently prescribed routinely only to patients who have already had a heart attack, diabetics who are over 50 and have blood pressure problems and younger patients with significant risk factors, which can include their blood pressure. However, the review states: “We believe that the currently available evidence does not justify the routine use of aspirin … in apparently healthy individuals, including those with elevated blood pressure or diabetes. "This is because of the potential risk of serious bleeds and (the) lack of effect on mortality." June Davison, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation (BHF) said: “It is well established that aspirin can help prevent heart attacks and strokes among people with heart and circulatory disease – so this group of people should continue to take aspirin as prescribed by their doctor. “However, for those who do not have heart and circulatory disease the risk of serious bleeding outweighs the potential preventative benefits of taking aspirin. “We advise people not to take aspirin daily, unless they check with their doctor. "The best way to reduce your risk of developing this disease is to avoid smoking, eat a diet low in saturated fat and rich in fruit and vegetables and take regular physical activity.” The research looked at a number of different studies, including one involving 95,000 people which found that aspirin use made no difference to the number of people who died from a heart attack. A similar finding also emerged from studies on the effects of the drug on diabetics, the review shows. Earlier this year research by Oxford scientists suggested that aspirin could cut the chance of suffering a heart attack by a fifth in those who had never previously had one, but that the drug also increased their risk of stomach bleeding by a third. Aspirin has been hailed as a “wonder” drug which can treat conditions like Alzheimer’s and diabetes and could potentially even prevent some forms of cancer. But previous studies have also suggested that it can trigger miscarriages and cause birth defects as well as bleeding in the stomach. The drug is not given to under-16s because it can cause a rare but potentially fatal liver and brain condition, called Reye's syndrome. Nick Henderson, from the Aspirin Foundation, which is funded by aspirin manufacturers, said: "Most people should take aspirin for prevention of heart attack or stroke under doctors advice. "Certain patients over the age of 50 for men and 60 for women are at risk of these conditions, particularly if their doctor recognises a susceptibility. "They would be looking at weight, stress, a family history and other lifestyle factors before recommending aspirin in small doses. "However, many people throughout the world have taken the view that the benefits far outweigh the risks." A spokesman for the Department of Health said that aspirin use for people with a low or moderate risk of heart problems "should be based on a careful assessment of each individual patient" by a doctor. [rc] © Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2009