Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 20, 2009

TIBET: Remote villages get telephone access

. BEIJING, China / People's Daily / November 20, 2009 Over the past one year, China Telecom has helped 4,271 villages get connected by telephone service in Tibet. China Telecom has completed the task with installing telephones for 3,176 villages and China Mobile helps 1,095 villages get telephone access. Due to the unique geographical environment in Tibet, constructing phone services in villages is arduous. In 2009, China Mobile and China Telecom have installed telephones for 320 administrative villages in Tibet. [rc] Qamba, an elderly Tibetan in Dagze County calls his families. (Xinhua Photo) Elsewhere, elderly residents of the Barkor street area of Lhasa, appear happy with their lives, reports China Tibet Information Center. Tibetan grandmother watches family portrait. Dechen, an elderly Tibetan feels happy living in Barkor street, listening to the peddling and watching the flow of visitors every day. She said: "With improvement of people's living standard, the spiritual needs of the elderly Tibetans are changing. Most elderly get up around 5 in the morning, and start to walk around Lingkor and have Tibetan breakfast tea. Some Tibetans would like to get together to celebrate the Lingka Woods Festival and travel to Buddhism holy lands for pilgrimage in hinterland of Tibet. We enjoy our life today, which we did dare not imagine in the past." Source: China Tibet Information Center