Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 4, 2009

RUSSIA: A Loss of Time, or Who Earns From The Lines

. NEW YORK, NY / Global Action on Aging Newsletter / November 4, 2009

Recently in the city of Chelyabinsk an old woman died waiting in line for her therapist.

Such cases are not unique in Russia. The average Russian spends from 1.5 to 4 years of his/her life waiting in line. The government has spent 10 billion rubles to modernize healthcare. However, new computers have slowed down the process because many medical stuff do not know how to use them. It is important that money be allocated to training medical stuff on use of new technology.

The author suggests that the long lines prevalent in free medical clinics tend to favor many doctors who have private (for-profit) clinics, because they encourage their patients to use their commercial sites. Original News Source Russia: A Loss of Time, or Who Earns on the Lines? (October 21, 2009) While standing to the doctor - are losing the last health Photo: Report by Catherine Don Article from the numbers: AMF № 43 21 октября 09 (0:05) Recently Chelyabinsk newspaper reported the death of an elderly woman in a queue waiting for a therapist. For the doctor for whom she was standing, the only thing remaining was to speak of her death. Prior to that, in the Rostov region in the queue for a pediatrician a month old child died in the hands of his mother. According to statistics, the average Rossiyanin spends 1,5 to 5 years of life waiiting in queues. If we could get rid of these shops a relic from the past of the Soviet deficits (simply because these outlets are now a dime a dozen), then we can be saved the long hours of standing in public health facilities. Apparently, we do not go away ever. Because there are people who receive income from this. Seven circles " - The first visit in children's clinics with a newborn baby was preceded by 2 week standing in queues. On the phone is not recorded, was asked to come for the coupon in person. From the first stage we sent a "special" - "on Thursdays from 14.30 to 15.30. On the day after 2 hours of waiting was handed a piece of paper with the date and time of visit. The very same card and the card was to get on the day of reception. By these words of our readers Svetlana from Khimki can subscribe to every other mommy. Why not write to use the telephone? "The clinic explained that" it creates confusion with those recorded in the registry directly. Why should not they learn from the experience of registrars in the private clinics, where no special problems recorded on the reception and full-time and correspondence? However, as explained "AIFIn MHSD order, make an appointment clinic defines itself. - Recently, we have pleased: in the registry clinics set computer. Strangely enough, the turn - shares his observations of the reader from the Volga Oleg S. - is moving more slowly. From the window of an apologetic glance looking 60-year-old nurse on duty and one finger, looking for long letter on a keyboard, dials in the correct database name: "they said - do not know how ... And what to do - more work there is no one". On the modernization of the health care system each year is allocated about 10 billion rubles. It is believed that the use of computer technology allows the doctor to take a day to 20% more sick. Now 40% of the time a doctor spends hours filling out the card. However, as shown, without the modernization of computer literacy training medical staff often had the opposite effect - turn only increase. Sorry deficit? - As per our pediatrician fixed 4 segments instead of 1 position (at a rate of 15 people to write him a day to 36), pochli for the happiness to get to his office for 5 min., Waited 3.5 hours (after all, someone and does away with nothing ...). And to free a neurologist, who works part-time two days a week, and never left - would have to wait hours for 2 months. We were advised to contact the hospital paid the next street, - complained in his letter to Elena from Moscow region. Country lacks more than 45 thousand doctors and 80 thousand nurses. The problem of a shortage of physicians, paediatricians and nurses, the government tried to solve by raising their salaries. Other health workers have been offended. But not always by doctors beneficial to get rid of pandemonium in classrooms. Often, these same experts end up in the hospital paid the corner. One of them told me that lured into commercial clinic many who are tired of waiting patients. And to his official salary gosbolnitse to 16,5 thousand rub. he monthly adds 20 thousand rub. P. S.Queues in public institutions we take for granted - it is free. And somehow forgotten that this "free" we pay our taxes. Official opinion Position MHSD: - Services that provide primary health care in our country, are overloaded and therefore ineffective. Long waiting hours, inconvenient schedule health care facilities reduce the availability of medical care for the working population, as the doctor had to deal with in addition to therapeutic and preventive work and the more activities that can be done paramedical personnel. To ensure all citizens equal opportunity to receive medical care, worked out the normative act on the organization of outpatient clinics. Will be revised scheme of distribution "flow" of patients. We plan to create divisions, which will assume the functions of the GP. This will increase access to a doctor working citizens, not only in advanced cases of disease, but also at earlier stages of the disease. [rc] Source: AIF on line