Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 5, 2009

INDIA: This 99-yr-old has three Shravan Kumars

. RAJKOT, Gujarat / The Times of India / November 5, 2009 By Pramod Panwar, Times News Network PALANPUR: Loneliness and the fear of being abandoned by their children is something many senior citizens face. But, not Pithaji Solanki, 99. He has three doting Shravan Kumars. Solanki, who has been convalescing in a private hospital here, was showered with affection and care by his three doting sons. He was discharged on Wednesday. After a stroke, he was rushed to local Ruchi Hospital here six days ago. Not one of his sons left his bedside. "We will spend any amount to get our father back on his feet," said Chhaganaram Solanki, one of his five children. The three brothers, hailing from nearby Rupavati village, said nothing was dearer to them than the well-being of their father. The eldest son Pannalal, 52, is a teacher in a primary school while Mannaram, 34, and Chhaganaram, 47, are farmers. "I have never seen such love and devotion shown by children for a parent. When I asked the sons to take their father home as he had almost recovered, they told me they would wait till he was fully well," said Dr Surendra Gupta, who has been attending to Solanki. The senior citizen, almost approaching 100, was a farmer and not too well-off. Still, his sons refused pension the state government offered him 30 years ago. According to sarpanch of their village Nanda Chaudhari, the doting sons had said: "We do not want our father to be at the mercy of the government. As long as we have sufficient strength to earn and cater to his needs, we will." [rc] Copyright © 2009 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd Seniors World Chronicle adds: Legendary Shravan Kumar belonged to the time when King Dashratha ruled Ayodhya. Born to poor and blind parents, he was healthy and honest, with sincere love and respect for his parents, working hard to make them comfortable and happy. Shravan Kumar literally carried out his aging parents' wish to go on pilgrimage. Illustration courtesy: