Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

November 11, 2009

AUSTRALIA: Oh, what a lovely recession … for comfortable old folks

. SYDNEY, NSW / The Sydney Morning Herald / National Times / November 11, 2009 By Ross Gittins Economics Editor Sydney Morning Herald Ross Gittins says young people are overlooked by the government while being hit hardest by recession. Video Politicians run the economy for the benefit of the old, not the young. That's because the middle-aged and old are a bigger and more demanding group of voters. The less interest young people take in politics, the more they're likely to be screwed. You can see this from the way we've reacted to the unexpected mildness of the recession. People stopped worrying about the downturn from the moment they realised their chances of losing their job weren't high. The less worried we were - and thus the less we tightened our belts - the more our confidence that we'd keep our jobs became a self-fulfilling prophesy. This recession has seen surprisingly little in the way of lay-offs. There's been almost no fall in the level of total employment (full-time plus part-time jobs) since it reached a peak in October last year. True, many businesses have reacted to the downturn by cutting their payroll costs, but they seem to have done this mainly by ''natural attrition'' - failing to replace people who leave - and by putting workers on shorter hours rather than sacking them. Pretty good, eh? Just one problem. While the oldies have been busy congratulating themselves on their good fortune, the burden of this strategy has fallen on the young (just as the traditional approach to lay-offs - last on, first off - shifts the burden to the young). Although total employment has hardly fallen, the number of unemployed has risen by almost 220,000 since February last year. Huh? This is possible because - though the old keep forgetting it - there are two ways to become unemployed: to lose your job or never to find one in the first place. As Saul Eslake of the Grattan Institute reminded us in a speech last week, the vast majority of those newly unemployed are likely to be new entrants to the labour force, either school and university leavers or recently arrived migrants. Young people aged 15 to 24 constitute about 18 per cent of the labour force, but account for almost twice that proportion among those who've become unemployed since February last year. Then, the rate of unemployment among this group was 8 per cent; today it's almost 12 per cent. The unemployment rate among teenagers not in full-time education went from less than 14 per cent in February last year to 20 per cent a year later. One little-noticed reason the recession has proved so mild is the very strong growth in the population, mainly through high immigration. Migrants and their families add to the demand for goods and services and, hence, the demand for labour. But though they also add to the supply of labour, it often takes them some time after they arrive to land a job. That would be particularly true at present. It's likely many employers' first response to a recovery in the demand for their products will be to return their existing workers to full-time work rather than hiring more workers. So, as Eslake points out, it's likely that many of those education-leavers and migrants now unemployed will have quite a wait before they find a job. And last week's revised forecasts from the Government imply that the number of unemployed will rise by a further 100,000 before it starts falling in the second half of next year. Despite an expected total increase in unemployment of about 320,000 souls, it's fashionable to conclude we didn't have a recession. One reason we find such nonsense so easy to believe is that so much of the burden of this (mild) recession has been pushed off on to the young and other outsiders. The much worse recessions in the United States and Britain have seen sharp declines in house prices. Our prices fell a little, but have since grown quite strongly and passed their previous peak. This is another reason we find it easy to imagine there's been no recession. It's not surprising our house prices have held up so well. For a start, we haven't had many distressed sellers because so few home-owners have lost their jobs and because our Reserve Bank avoided the Americans' mistake of leaving interest rates too low for too long, tempting people to take on home loans they'd no longer be able to afford once rates rose to more normal levels. As well, our banks avoided lending to bad (''subprime'') risks. But there's another reason: whereas the Americans ended up building more homes than were needed to keep up with the growth in their population - meaning that supply outstripped demand - we've done the reverse. According to the National Housing Supply Council, we have a nationwide shortage of about 85,000 homes. Does all that sound good to you? If it does it's probably because you've already got a home, and much prefer to see its value rising rather than falling. And that most likely means you're not young. Since home owners form the majority of their customers, politicians and the media almost invariably assume that rising house prices are a good thing. But they're hardly a good thing if you're a young person wondering how you'll ever afford a home of your own. While no one would wish on us the housing market collapse the Americans have suffered, the fact remains that they've solved their housing affordability problem, whereas our homes are as unaffordable as ever - and getting worse as house prices and interest rates resume their rise. When pressed, politicians almost invariably respond to concerns about home loan affordability by giving special assistance to first-home buyers: cash grants or cuts in conveyancing stamp duty. But as Eslake and other economists have been warning for years, such measures add to demand without adding to supply, thus benefiting those who sell their homes to first-home buyers, not the buyers. So why on earth do our politicians persist with such counterproductive policies? Because they run the economy for the benefit of the old, not the young. [rc] Copyright © 2009. Fairfax Digital