Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

October 30, 2009

NIGERIA: Mental health and Nigerian society today

. LAGOS, Nigeria / Nigeria Guardian News / October 30, 2009 "Misfortunes in life, premature deaths and even some deaths in old age may be attributed to the evil machination of wicked enemies...., recently said Prof. Layi Erinosho, formerly professor of Sociology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, at Ogun State College of Health Technology, Ilese-Ijebu, Ogun State. Mental health is one of the key components of health. Mental illness which is the opposite of mental health is about incapacitating conditions that necessitate short and/or lifelong care and support, he added. Professor Layi Erinosho. Photo by Andy S. Chang Prof. Layi Erinosho specialised in the area of sociology of mental health in hisdoctorate degree in Toronto. He says he has moved into other areas like health planning and systems including implementation research. He still retains primordial interest in the study of mental health and ill-health. The theme of his address was: What has mental health got to do with Nigerian society? [rc] To read the full report, click here © 2003 - 2009 @ Guardian Newspapers Limited