Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

October 25, 2009

CHINA: Senior Citizens' Day celebrations at Double Ninth Festival on October 26

. BEIJING, China / / Xinhua / October 25, 2009 Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu has called for attention on the ageing problem, noting this is a major issue that concerns "people's livelihood and the nation's lasting peace and stability." Hui's call came several days ahead of the country's traditional "Senior Citizen's Day," or Double Ninth Festival, which falls on the ninth day of the ninth month in the lunar calendar, or Monday. Hui, also director of China National Working Commission on Ageing, said at a recent meeting on the aging problem held in Beijing that the elderly were "valuable wealth of the Party and the country," and researchers should provide solid scientific foundation for the government to make strategies for the well-being of the ageing population. Photo courtesy: ShanghaiDaily Statistics from the commission show more than 8.3 percent of the 1.3-billion Chinese population are above 65, and in most cities, more than 50 percent of the elderly people live without the company of their children. Hui said efforts should be made to deal with new conditions concerning ageing, such as unbalanced distribution of the aged between urban and rural areas. [rc] Editor: Li Xianzhi