Remember ME - You Me and Dementia
August 3, 2009
NAMIBIA: Cash Boost for Old Age Home
WINDHOEK, Namibia / New Era / National News / August 3, 2009
By Wezi Tjaronda
Seniorpark, a government complex of dwelling units for senior citizens in Pionierspark, received a welcome monetary boost for their activities last week.
Alexander Forbes Financial Services on Friday gave the Association for Senior Citizens N$10,000 to assist the elderly living at the park.
Erika Reissner, who is responsible for marketing at the financial services institution, said although the senior citizens living at the park were privileged to have accommodation and were somewhat cared for, many of them still face hardships.
With the economic crisis, which has affected many, Reissner said the elderly were the more affected considering the ever increasing commodity, living and health care costs as well as the increasing levels of violence and crime.
She said senior citizens represent a generation of previously economically active people who are left to fend for themselves and are marginalised by modern society.
Reissner added that the institution recognises the elderly citizens’ past achievements and contributions to modern society and felt it was duty bound to assist them.
The park houses 161 senior citizens in 130 units. According to the chairman of the association, Charlie Hewson, most of the occupants of Seniorpark live on the government pension payout of N$450 per month. He said the association was also charged with creating a safe environment for the elderly and most of the money pays for security services.
In a year Seniorpark needs about N$84,000 to meet mostly the cost of security services.
“This is our greatest expense but our main goal is not to provide security,” he said. The average age of the occupants is 80 years, which is an age where people are prone to reclusion.
Hewson said much as the association tries to create an environment which allows the elderly to mingle with others in society, the association cannot spend money on individuals.
Unfortunately, the older they get, the more difficult it is for all of them to attend social events. [rc]
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