Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

July 2, 2009

AUSTRALIA: $2.7M for care of older people of non-English speaking backgrounds

. CANBERRA, ACT / Department of Health / July 2, 2009 The Australian Government is to provide more than $2.7 million for organisations to help aged care service providers deliver culturally appropriate care. Multicultural Aged Care in South Australia will over two years receive more than $365,000 of the funding announced today. A press note released by Justine Elliot, Minister for Ageing, points out that almost a quarter of Australians were born overseas. The leaders want to improve access to care for non-English speakers and to insure that they enjoy a healthy, positive ageing. The funding will support efforts to provide culturally appropriate aged care services. [rc] Click here for details Source: Department of Health, Austalia