Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

December 19, 2007

NIGERIA: Celebrating Country's Senior Citizens

Aged people from all nooks and crannies of Lagos State assembled at the Old Lagos State secretariat Ikeja to accord recognition to deserving members of the society. TITUS ELEWEKE reports. LAGOS, Nigeria (Daily Champion), December 18, 2007: For more than six hours, the conference centre of African Refugee Foundation (AREF), old Lagos State Secretariat, Ikeja GRA, Lagos bubbled with hundreds of radiant aged people in colourful attires. There were also some youth and children. The event was the presentation of Fragile Feet magazine, a publication designed to celebrate reputable senior citizens who have made impressive impact on the society. It witnessed the cream of elderly people, young men and prominent Nigerians from across various sectors.They include the former governor of Lagos State Alhaji Lateef Jakunde, a renowned broadcaster Ambassador Segun Olusola, Lagos State governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola, represented by the Director press and public relations, Lagos State Ministry of Information and Strategies. Mr. S.A Oki, Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly Hon. Adeyemi Kuforiji, represented by Hon. A. I. Omisore. Speaking at the occasion, Alhaji Jakande commended Mrs Adewunni for being the first Nigerian to come up with the laudable idea of celebrating elderly people in the society, adding that old persons are gifts to any nation, if recognized. He said that the country has no plan for the elderly people who invested their youthful time in the services of the nation, adding that elderly people are neglected in the country by the operators of the system. "In other countries of the world, elderly people are respected, consulted in the scheme of things, but unfortunately, Nigeria does not care about the elders", he said. The former governor stated that the country need to tap from the wealth of experiences of those who had seen it all in their lives, adding that old age anywhere in the world is an asset and Nigerian cannot be different. The country, he said loses much, because the operators of the system, do not recognize and consult the elderly persons, when they are embarking on serious projects. Nigeria, he said, cannot develop at a fast pace, if the system does not involve the elders in order to tap from the wealth of their experiences.He also advised Nigerians to return to their old value system, where elderly people were treated with respect and dignity in the society. Alhaji Jakande opined that the country would gain much if elderly people are respected by the system, adding that the nation is losing much due to lack of advice from elderly people . "Nigeria is losing a lot because today's leaders are ignoring the elders and do not seek their wisdom and idea before embarking on any meaningful projects" he added. The former governor, who made great marks in Lagos state as governor, deplored the trend today where elders are ignored is the nation's building.The knowledge those great men and women acquired, he said, cannot be ignored because the system needed this to be focused and grow to greater height. "We expect the society to drink from the wisdom of these elderly persons, the Senior citizens of this great country. Most of us do not know what we lose by keeping them away from the scheme at things", he added. However, he said the nation need to create a forum that would offer the senior citizens the opportunities to contribute to the further development at the country. In his own remark, the Lagos State Governor, Alhaji Babatunde Fashola commended the organiser of the programme for having a great passion for elderly persons, urging her to keep the spirit of caring for the elders alive. In advanced countries, he said, elderly people are held in high esteem, allowed to enjoy many things without paying for them, adding that in places like America and London, old people are entitled to free transportation, and even meals because they have worked for it when they were young. The state, he said, will always respect the elders, as people who invested their time and energy in development in the past. "Lagos State cannot and will not disrespect the elders in our society, the state should be proud to associate with the senior citizens, because they are much to gain from them", he said. Speaker, Lagos State House of Assembly, Hon Koforoji, said that it was unfortunate that Nigerian leaders do not value good things that would benefit the nation, rather the leaders prefer to spend much on frivolous things. The country, need to invest on the upkeep of elderly people for them to enjoy the energy they spent building the country. The elderly people, he said, are assets to any nation, but regretted that Nigeria is not showing care and love to the people who have spent their youth serving the country. To the publisher, he assured her that the Lagos State House of Assembly will partner with her to keep the spirit of celebrating the Senior citizen alive adding that the house would look into a way of making the stoles printing press available to her to print the magazine at a subsidize roles He urged Mrs. Adediran to forward the printing cost to the State Assembly so that the house can look into it, with the aim of liasing with the executive for getting a cheaper cost for the printing .The speaker, also collected copies for the Honourables in the house to study the contributions made by these great men to the development of the state and the nation. Amb. Olusola, who chaired the occasion, in his opening remark, thanked the publisher for remembering the elderly people in the society and implored her to continue doing that for the elders. He, on behalf of African Refugees Foundation, promised the publisher, their support and assistance at all time she needs it adding, that the foundation is always at her disposal for use at no cost. Presenting her speech, the publisher Madam Adediran said she went into publishing of the fragile feet magazine because of her passion for elderly people as in the society, stating that she always feel for the elders. This magazine, she said, is mainly being published to celebrate the senior citizens in the country.Vast majority of the senior citizens, she said, are poor and are wasting away in the midst of plenty, silently, without any person taking care at them, while many are quietly asking God to take their lives. "The negligence on the part of government had become aan overwhelming rude shock, so much that younger generations are now afraid of old age", she said. Many aged people,she added had faced so many nauseating experiences from their so called rich relatives including their offsprings. "I spoke with numerous number of them and the only conclusion I derived was that it is high time, I expose their matters positively so that everybody will be aware of their conditions' she stated. Madam Adediran called on the Lagos State governor, Mr. Basotunde Fashola to improve on the lives of the elderly people in the state as he is opening up a lot of life saving opportunities in Lagos State. She implored all and sundry to do all things within their means collectively and individually to ensure that senior citizens in this country have reason to live decent and comfortable lives, in a country they had contributed enough for its growth. "We must all endeavour to put a smile on their faces and stop the misery, which has become the lot of most of them in the country" he said. This magazine, she said, need the support of every person towards making it a success in the country, adding that with the success of the magazine, Nigerians will gain much from it, because elderly people will be brought closer to all through the reading of their wealth of experiences. The old people,she said, are assets to our nation and we must celebrate them for the good of the country. "I must confess to you, I feel bad about the way the country treat elderly people in our society. Eerywhere in the world, the senor citizens are regarded and respected. Government must make special provision that will take care of the old people in our society. The state, she said, must do something to give these great men and women who had done great things to the nation a sense of belonging. "The care for the elders, shall not be restricted to the government alone, other corporate bodies and individuals should not shy away from doing something that will make these senior citizens, feel appreciated in the society", she emphasised By Titus Eleweke, Lagos Copyright © 2007 Daily Champion.