LIBERTYVILLE, Illinois (Business Wire), November 5, 2007:
As the nation heads into the icy winter season, a home safety product used by motels, apartment complexes, schools, public facilities is now available to individuals to safeguard their homes. A 1/8” thick extruded and dimpled aluminum non-skid stari strip provides a cost-efficient preventative solution for slippery stairs, decks or walkways.
According to the National Safety Council, some 13 million slip, trip and fall injuries occur annually, of which over 16,000 result in death.
Separately, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control estimates that the direct cost of falls by seniors alone is more than $20 billion, a figure which doesn’t include productivity losses or the potential liability costs that a homeowner or insurance company would face in the event of a serious accident.
The aluminum non-skid treads never rust and provide outstanding traction, the manufacturers claim. They come in a variety of sizes and colors and are easily mounted onto any stair or potentially slippery surface.
The treads were invented by Handi-Ramp after company president Thom Disch's mother-in-law complained that the steps into her back door were treacherous. The firm designs and manufactures ramps of all sizes and types for disabled individuals as well as for businesses, and the surface of these ramps is dimpled aluminum. He took some scrap from the ramps, cut it to size and his mother-in-law’s problem was solved and a new product was created.
The product was initially introduced to commercial and industrial users, but it soon became clear that homeowners and small business proprietors would also benefit from the outstanding performance and slip protection the non-skid treads provided. The company hopes to have the product in home centers and hardware stores by 2008
Handi-Ramp website http://www.handiramp.com/non-skid_safety_tread.htm.
© Business Wire 2007