State Representative Ray Kidd, District 76, was on hand to personally award the checks to senior citizen site managers from Caraway (Cleffie Gipson), Lake City (Jerry Freeman), and Monette (Nelroy Wright). Also on hand for the presentation was Becky McDaniel, Director of St. Bernards Senior Life Center.
The three $10,029.41 checks are part of the state surplus funds. Rep. Kidd said senior citizen sites and fire departments are two of the groups chosen to receive general improvement funds.
"The legislatures approved where the surplus money would go and we chose senior citizens sites," Rep. Kidd said. "It is not my money, it is your money you paid in taxes. I am honored to be here with you today."
Kidd pointed out he is a senior himself. "The senior centers are important to the area," he added. "It is a place to meet and help each other."
By Revis Blaylock
Copyright 2001. Northeast Arkansas Town Crier.