Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

June 24, 2006

ITALY: Health Ministry Issues Caution on High Temperatures

ROME (Agenzia Giornalistica Italia), June 24, 2006: The Health Ministry is informing citizens, especially those living in major cities and the elderly, on how to cope with this further increase of temperatures. According to forecasts, temperatures will soon rise above safety levels remaining extremely high for a several days. The Ministry has explained that general practitioner and social and health services will have to contact the most vulnerable citizens on a regular basis, especially those living in cities like Milan, Brescia, Turin, Rome, Naples, Bari, Catania, Palermo and Cagliari, where temperatures are expected to rise notably. The Ministry stressed the need to drink a lot of water, wear light clothes and consume low-calorie meals, while avoiding alcohol and food rich in fats. Heat waves can be especially dangerous for the elderly living in big cities if they suffer from chronic conditions (heart conditions, cancers, diabetes and respiratory conditions) or live on their own: the situation can be worsened by poor living conditions. In particular, the elderly are advised to spend at least some hours of the day in airy premises or rooms equipped with air-conditioning. Treatments for the elderly currently staying in hospitals and clinics is also to be revised taking into account the exceptional weather conditions. COPYRIGHTS 2002-2006 AGI S.p.A.

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